working from home is a learning curve where you’re finding the balance of being productive. with a little dedication and organization it’s all possible. it’s a matter of motivation, discipline and managing your time. it’s easy to get distracted at home because there’s always something to do at home. sharing my favorite work home tips.
1. start your day as if you’re going into the office – even if you know you’re going anywhere on this day, try to follow the same routine as if you were going into the office. i.e., shower, workout, eat breakfast, get dressed. dressing up is so important. staying in your pajamas signals to your brain that it’s a casual day and you can sit on the couch and eat potato chips.
2. create a dedicated workspace where you can work – this gets you into the headspace to work. find a space that is your “office” so you know once you go into that space, you’re in work mode. it helps your brain to compartmentalize.
3. set clear standards with others in your home – when you’re working from home it seems like you are just chilling out and that is not the case, you’re working. you can tell your special ones that when you’re in your “office” you would appreciate if you weren’t distracted.
4. list and decide on 2-3 tasks/ pomodoro technique – decide on 2-3 major tasks and stick to them. after deciding, try the pomodoro technique. what is pomodoro? pomodoro is essentially time blocking. you first decide on a task you want to focus on. then, you set a timer for at least 25 minutes to work on the task. once your timer goes off, you have 5 minutes of break time until you start your next task. when you’re doing focused work, try to do it uninterrupted and create a distraction free zone. this is going to help you be in flow. put your phone away! (the real key to success haha)
5. take breaks – make yourself a cup of tea, go for a quick walk to stretch your body. during your breaks, you can also call your friends or family. working from home can be quite lonely so if you’re a social person this is a great way to connect to other people if you’re not leaving the house.
6. set an end time – if your work day ends at 5pm, then your work day ends at 5pm. it’s good to set this work- life balance, so that you can replenish your energy for the next day. the exception of course would be if you have a deadline to meet.