between the cold air outside and dry indoor heating, our skin cells are a bit more dehydrated during the winter months. these are some ideas on how you can really take care of your physical body. even though we know that these things make us feel really good, sometimes, we need to push ourselves to actually do it.

nutrition and hydration– balancing the internal healthiness of our body will help with the outside.
body brush – start with your feet and work your way up. it’s a great way to stimulate the blood flow just underneath the surface of your skin. do this right before you get in the shower.
epsom salt – soak in a luxurious bath with a scoop of mineral rich salts. this really gives you an all-body detox. this exfoliates and relaxes you while washing your muscle soreness away.
body scrub – this is a perfect addition to your shower ritual for soft skin.
body wash cloth – one way to gently exfoliate or remove the top layer of dead skin cells is with a bath mitt. go in curricular motions to stimulate the circulation of blood throughout the body.
body wash – use a creamy body wash like dove, something that smells really relaxing and leaves your body feeling soft and silky. it’s a good way to distress yourself with aromatherapy.
exercise – post-workout glow is real! that’s because we have increased blood flow and lots of oxygen surging through our body. our skin cells are nourished by blood flow! sweating during a workout is also pushing toxins out of our body and cells, which is good for our skin health.
lotion – soothe your skin with lotion that just melts into your skin. not that i have eczema but gold bond eczema relief lotion moisturizes so well (my skin feels like butter after). it’s such a treat after a shower.
foot scrub – if you’re doing a self-pedicure, this is perfect to put on a layer and sleep in a pair of dark socks. this hydrates and softens your feet and heels.
the heat in our homes in winter really dries the skin. these are great tips for hydrating it! 🧴