you probably see or have seen so many posts on “morning routine.” unsurprisingly, that’s because it really does play an important role in our personal lives. i’m a little bias towards morning routines because i have one that i’m all about. a morning routine is really about the science of momentum. it’s about setting yourself to have the most success in your day. the benefits of a morning routine are endless.
less stress – everyone has a threshold (a level) of how much stress they can handle. when you get to that level that’s when things start to go wrong. let’s say you got a good night’s sleep and when you wake up, you’re feeling lively and refreshed. at this point, you’re far away from your stress threshold. but then, if you use an alarm, it goes off, you snooze and you snooze again. crap, you’ve already snoozed for 20 minutes. micro stress 1. you then grab your phone and check your email. micro stress 2. suddenly, you’re late. it’s a domino of micro stresses and each of these things gets you closer to your max level of stress that you can handle. your day hasn’t even really started!! if you start your morning stressed out, you don’t have much resilience for the rest of your day. everything will annoy you.
control – usually the first hour of your day is a time you can control and influence the most. this is your time to get ahead of the day. you only have a finite period of time before the chaos of life starts. it’s the worst feeling when the day is controlling you. you’re rushing, you’re overwhelmed.
productivity – when you first wake up, your mind is pretty clear. this is a good opportunity to see what you’ve got going on in that gorgeous brain of yours and write it down. i always recommend to write things down ( when you write things down, they feel more real). i’ve probably said this one million times on the blog already. if it’s something you can do in the morning, do it because when you say it can wait until later, it usually doesn’t happen. a cycle.
confidence – mornings can be your self-care time, your “me time.” you’re essentially saying, i’m worth it. i’m worth the the time. worth the time to work out or to make a nice breakfast. cheesy but true. confidence is taking care of yourself.
better relationships – what?! yes, you read that right. you’re a better person to yourself and others when you’re less stressed. you’re going to be able to tell when you’ve taken time for yourself in the morning how different your attitude is. you’re less emotional, reactive and more calm and logical.
love this explanation as to why EVERYONE is talking about morning routines. it’s helpful to know the benefits, not only the actual routine!! ☀️🌅