i’ll start off by saying this is more of an opinion piece and it’s not necessarily objective. i thought i would take you guys through my thought process with Netflix. my point in writing this is to get you thinking about a couple of things. one, the amount of time you’re spending watching tv and two what you’re watching.
1. morals/boundaries/desensitization– there are so many psychologically disturbing/violent and dramatic shows. i know for a lot of people, these shows are exciting and entertaining to watch but it just doesn’t work for me and my subconscious. everything is so dark and it seems like we are getting desensitized to everything.
2. time is your most valuable source – are you really going to waste hours and hours of your REAL life watching tv shows (most of which are bad)? i’m notorious for only watching 5 minutes of a show and determining right away it’s not worth it and there are so many other worthwhile things i could be doing.
3. you are what you watch – it’s similar to the concept of ‘you are what you eat’. just like you would remove eating foods that are bad for you, you should try removing some of these negative shows. replace it with audiobooks or podcasts that are helpful.
4. couch potato – it’s as simple as if you’re sitting and watching tv, you’re not getting physical movement.
5. isolation – everyone needs to decompress but this should be in moderation like every guilty pleasure in this world. watching an entire season of a show results in neglect of your important relationships with others.
6. productivity/goals – binge watching tv probably interferes with work, school and other commitments. think about it this way, Netflix is a business they are doing what they have to do to make money. it’s up to you to have control and decide that you want to do things that will yield results for your life.
All so true! I thought I was the only one just being overly sensitive to shows and movies. Often times I find myself fast forwarding scenes or just turning off the tv. Growing up I was never much of a tv person but after having a toddler I’ve found myself more and more just wanting to sit down for a bit & decompress. My new guilty pleasure has been watching Korean dramas haha! They don’t tend to have all the dark or overly sexual scenes… The only problem is that they can be extremely addicting 🤣
Good piece Darlene! We forsake quality time with loved ones, physical movement and so many other things when we just sit down to binge on television, let alone social media. I love this!
agreed! the time that tv takes away from important things is unbelievable! 📺