time is life’s greatest currency. your time is your life. i know for me, i’ve always been conscious of prioritizing time. i create/have routines to be more efficient with time. i wake up early because i make the most of my time in the morning. making use of my time means i can enjoy everything and say yes to things that i want to say yes to. i’ll give a small example in my personal life where “having extra time” benefitted me. quick backstory: i don’t really take time off of work unless i have a real reason to. in February, i took a week of vacation then in March, i was invited to another weeklong vacation. i was able to say yes and create amazing memories because i had time. everything revolves around time, so i’m sharing the value of time.
memories – time is one of the best ways to share feelings of love to friends and family. time allows you to collect memories of happy moments. momentary happiness lasts for a long time. so much so, that quality time is one of the five love languages.
compounding – time does all the heavy lifting for money. your Roth IRA account, index funds, 401k and savings (if the APR/ annual percentage rate) is competitive. automate and be patient.
progress – i like to document my days, so my improvement is not lost with time. progress happens slowly. it’s almost invisible and you can’t always see it with your eyes but it’s happening everyday if you actually look for it.
outsourcing – we work hard in order to buy back time. this could be with hiring a cleaner, landscaper.
hard times = wisdom – the hard times of the past make us resilient. you know that you can always land back on your feet. the good times become the reason we live for today.
you know who you are– this takes time and reflection because we kind of wander around, fail, and make mistakes for a while. there’s years and years of trying and figuring out who you are. but with time, you’re no longer a product of what people tell you should be. your past results and time give you confidence.
life is shorter than you think – be smart about your time. we need a sense of urgency to accomplish our dreams. think about in one day, we’re always like ‘where did the day go?’ now add those up. if you want to accomplish something, think about how can you start on the process.
life is long – don’t rush. you have time to have standards. for example, you don’t have to be in a relationship just for the sake of being in a relationship.
freedom – the greatest punishment in our judicial system is jail. serving time. what is the first thing we say when someone has been wrongfully incriminated? how are you going to give them back all of those years they lost.
decision making– i read somewhere that even the most intelligent people can make wrong decisions because of emotion. this makes sense because the brain shuts down and amps up feelings when we’re upset. time is key when trying to regulate your nervous system. Viktor Frankl said it best, “between stimulus and response, there is space.”
time is of the essence, beautiful post <3