hello, you guys. welcome back to a new blog. today, we are going to do a little spring reset. with sunnier days ahead, it’s a good time to get out of your comfort zone and refresh your space and mind. i hope this helps or motivates you to reorganize your routines, your health and your home.
wake up early – there is no pressure or rush or to be stressed. waking up early is such a cherished time for me because it’s when i’m most productive. when i wake up early, i have time to write and plan out my day.
refresh your morning routine – i’ve changed my morning routine around a little bit. the new season is a good time to include new things that are working better.
get ready in the morning – when i do my hair, put a little makeup and put on a cute outfit, it gives me extra energy and motivation.
daily spring cleaning – i love looking after our home and doing house chores. although i do some of the same things everyday, everyday feels a little different.
wardrobe switch – go through your clothes and really decide what you want to keep or give away. this feels really good to do because you’re not holding on to things you’re no longer wearing.
evening walks – since the sun is setting later, walks after dinner are such a good way to unwind from the day, connect with yourself or with someone else and digest your food.
start a new project – tap into your creativity and pick up something that you’ve been wanting to learn. for example, for myself, i’ll be getting cooking lessons. there’s meditation, gardening, or starting a new home project like getting your outdoor patio ready for spring. do anything that makes you feel good or helps you become your best self.
slow down – find your favorite way to relax a little and feel grounded. in case this resonates with anyone who feels the same: i feel lost and disconnected when i start going too fast with a lot of plans and overscheduling myself. everything feels so chaotic. and when i slow down, suddenly i have peace and clarity.
spring challenge – there are so many benefits in challenging yourself to do something new and instilling new good habits. i would suggest keeping it simple. this could be making time in the morning to make a nourishing breakfast, reading 5 minutes before bed, keeping water visible on your desk or nightstand in order to drink more, spend time with God by starting your day with prayer, eating more fruits and vegetables. the easiest way to get your greens in is by making smoothies!