food health life

simple, healthy tips II

being healthy has to be worked into our day. it’s important to go to your drawing board and plan how you can be healthy. ultimately, we want to feel good, have energy, and be in a positive state. what is our reason/ why for being healthy? how do you want to feel? how do you want to look? these questions help to inspire us to be healthy. 

wash your produce – produce in the U.S. has a lot of pesticides and even organic fruits and vegetables get some exposure. wash your produce well before consuming. you can wash your produce with Apple Cider Vinegar, sea salt or baking soda.

cook at home – when you first start cooking more at home, keep it simple just to get into the rhythm of cooking more, so it becomes second nature. make your dinner plan for the week on the weekend. this helps to set you up for success and takes out so much of the guesswork during the week.

share your food and preparations with the people closest to you -social connection and community is just as important to our health. 

add pumpkin seeds to your yogurt/ smoothies: they’re packed with nutrients that support heart health, boost immunity, improve sleep and promote healthy digestion. a handful of these seeds can enhance energy and help maintain overall wellness.

drinking warm lemon water in the morning – this gives your body such a good refreshing start. it’s a great way to stay hydrated, boost your immune system with a dose of vitamin C and support your digestion. and, it helps in detoxifying your body naturally.