
self-love rituals

i think we need a pep talk on self-love. self-love is not superficial. it’s necessary, beautiful and something we should try to make time for however small they are. things shift positively when you are taking good care of yourself. there’s no worst block then being in a negative headspace and self-love negates that. i’m very much a morning person and so this is the time that i dedicate to myself. i believe that the hours before noon are worth double those after! i live by this. i hope this inspires you to take the steps to find your personal formula for self-love rituals that you can repeat day after day. the benefits will be endless for you, i promise. 

gratitude journaling – i swear by gratitude even though it’s something that’s hard to conceptualize. i don’t take anything for granted and i always think i’m so lucky. the more grateful i am, the more optimistic, the more hopeful i am and the more drive i have. even if something happens that seems to be against me, i think this is working for me in some way or another that i don’t yet understand. 

teatime – nothing sets the mood for a chill evening at home better than a hot cup of tea. this is when i get to slow down, which is important for someone like me who always likes to be productive.   

taking care of myself – pampering myself always gives me a little boost. this is anything that makes me feel good about myself physically. i think it’s okay to be a little vain. 

cooking a fresh meal and enjoy the process – i try to stay as healthy as i possibly can and cooking at home is one way i keep my immune system strong. if i’m feeling good in my body then it’s more likely that i’m feeling good in my mind. 

positive affirmations – this a good way to rewire your brain and slowly erase negative thought patterns, which trick us into thinking the worst about ourselves. 

reading or listening to audibooks or podcasts – learning always gives me an extra boost and i’m obsessed with getting information that helps me make my life easier. this is how i hack the system.

morning walk – my meditation is my morning walk. i don’t listen to anything, i just walk with my cup of coffee in hand. this helps so much with emotions, especially anxious ones. i like to think of anxiety as a safety check light that warns me about what’s going on in my minds. walking allows me to cancel out all of the noises and become a solution oriented person.

mindful social media consumption – social media is inspiring and a lot of fun and there’s so much you can get from it but i’m not on my phone in the morning. this is what i recommend most in order to stay focused and get things done.. there’s only so much time in the day where you’re able to concentrate and be productive. so, it’s easier to keep concentrating and going when you’re already in motion and for me this starts in the morning.   

quiet time – i really like to start my day with silence. i like silence because it gives me time to think and helps me figure out what intuitively feels right. 

lists/goals – for someone like me, lists are hugely beneficial, they make me feel safe and focused. i thrive with structure and order and so planning my day has proven to work for me. an easy way to success. 

taking care of yourself ideas: take time to wash your hair with a nice shampoo, style your hair, use a rich body butter, take your time doing a minimal makeup look, wear your favorite fragrance, wear your favorite leggings, get into arts and crafts (pottery, painting) bake your favorite dessert, spend time outside gardening, follow a work out on YouTube, hydrate more, do a hydrating face mask, wear something sexy, wear something comfy, make a juice, do a light yoga flow, set your intentions for the day.  

1 thought on “self-love rituals”

  1. Love this post! I feel more calm and happy just reading your words 🙂 we definitely can’t take care of others without taking care of ourselves first.. at least if we don’t want to get burned out! Taking time to do little things for ourselves and slowing down makes such a difference 💕

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