i will start off by saying that the kitchen is my happy place and cooking is like meditation for me. i love to make food that looks just as a good as it tastes (“eyes first, taste second”). i think whenever you like to do something, it makes it that much easier. but i also think part of it is discipline. having more meals at home is based on fulfilment, a plan, and nourishing your body and soul. i hope these tips can help inspire you to make more home-cooked meals.
menu plan – we go over our week and what our schedule looks like then pick how many days we’ll be cooking and what we’ll be having. the sweet spot for us is usually 4 days.
grocery shop routine – every Sunday morning (before football of course) we go to our local grocery store. maybe, i’m the only one who feels this way but this is something i look forward to. it’s just something we do together as a couple. my boyfriend scans the groceries and i bag.
health – overall, i’m motivated and disciplined to cook at home because i can control the ingredients. don’t fuss too much with complex meals, keep it simple. this will give you the nudge to keep cooking foolproof, healthy meals.
set table – who doesn’t love a beautiful tablescape? we started this early on since i am the cook that my boyfriend is responsible for setting the table by getting the dinnerware, water, and candle. this part makes me excited to eat.
dishes together – we clear the table together and load up the dishwasher together. i think the team effort when it comes to dinner is what makes it a great experience. you’re not left feeling like you’re doing everything, which can feel exhausting. so think of ways how you can divvy up the responsibilities in the kitchen.
thank you – expressing appreciation is HUGE. i always feel so happy to prepare meals because my boyfriend always says thank you.
connection – there’s one thing that will always bring us together and that is food. gathering around a table to share a meal is a powerful way to connect and share intimacy. i am very strict about no phones at dinner. i take a quick picture or video of the meal to share on socials then all of my attention is on who i’m sharing dinner with.
love these tips! all great reasons to eat at home!!