health life

physical health tips

from personal experience, keeping physical health simple and what actually fits into your life helps a lot. it really comes down to developing discipline in your habits. paying attention to yourself and knowing your strengths and weaknesses. i also realize that many things that i do now are only going to solve or cause problems 20 or 30 years from now. i don’t want it to be a little too late. 

maintain your mobility. get unto the habit of some kind of cardio at least twice a week. get plenty of movement (via walks / jogs / runs / sport(s)) throughout the day

flexibility is key for aging bodies. doing a whole body stretch for 20 minutes improves muscle tone, circulation, and nerve functions.

see a doctor, dentist, ophthalmologist on a regular basis to make sure everything is okay.

– maintain your oral hygiene. take good care of your teeth and brush your teeth well twice a day, floss, get an electric toothbrush if you can.

eat sugary stuff after meals and not alone as snacks. this stops your glucose levels from rapidly rising if you’ve already consumed a meal with carbs, protein and healthy fat.

find out what illnesses run in your family – is it cholesterol, diabetes? research to see what you can do to be proactive.

learn about blue zones and follow the behaviors of people who live in them. 

think about the don’ts (don’t drink, don’t smoke, don’t eat too much) significantly limit alcohol to special occasions.