"when you're sleeping really well, your wake life is better"
evening routines are just as important as morning routines. when you have a healthy evening routine, you will feel more clear and energetic and your days will be much calmer and productive. there has to be some semi- structure when it comes to your nighttime routine because it connects to your day. this is the order of how i get ready for bed.
no coffee after 2pm – after listening to the Huberman Lab podcast (go subscribe, it’s so good) i have completely stopped drinking coffee after 2pm. according to Andrew Huberman, this impacts the quality and architecture of your sleep.
a little after-dinner walk – after dinner, whether it’s at home or at a restaurant, i like to go for a walk. this is great to do because it’s good for your digestion.
decaffeinated tea– this is something that really helps me to relax and unwind at the end of the day.
dishes – there is nothing better than waking up to a clean kitchen. i feel like doing the work of putting the dishes away and cleaning the countertops the night before gives you a sense of ease before going to bed. if i wake up to a mountain of dishes, my day just starts off chaotic.
skincare– try to take really good care of your skin by removing your makeup. i reach into my cabinet and i take out all of the things i use in the evening. i really like using earth science natural makeup remover. it feels so good to wash the whole day off. i then go in with moisturizer and massage it into my face and take it all the way down to my neck and chest. i’m not married to one particular moisturizer, so once i find one that i absolutely love, i’ll go ahead and share. it’s nice to take your time with this and just pamper your skin. the final step is to brush my teeth and floss. my recent ambition has been to floss more.
comfy clothes – i don’t really match or wear any glamorous pajamas. there’s not much thought that goes into this decision. i’m really simple and a t-shirt and shorts does the job.
hair – i twist my hair into bun to avoid it getting all tangled. this is especially helpful after you curl your hair. your curls will still be in tact the next day.
five minute journal– i think about all of the simple moments and joys of the day and write them down. when i do this, it makes me feel really good.
read – the mood that you have right before you get into bed is so important. i try to listen or read something that is calming and uplifting. i’m very sensitive to what kind of information i’m getting at the end of the day.
things that help support your nighttime routine:
night light – night lights are the best for when you’re waking up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. your eyes are very sensitive to light between the hours of 9pm-4am because of your circadian rhythm.
cool temperature – have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and taken off a piece of clothing? that’s because your body is too warm and is trying to cool you down. you want to sleep in a room that is nice and cool so you can get to sleep and stay asleep.
screens – if you are watching tv or watching something on your laptop, try to use as little bright light as possible after 10pm. and dim or turn off surrounding lights.
evening routines are great for preparing for a good night of sleep 😴 🛌