it’s that time of year where it’s a little hard to stay healthy. there are so many things going around, so i’m sharing some different remedies that could maybe help you feel better if you come down with something.
if you have a bit of a running nose – clean and cut a couple of onions in half and place next to your bed where your head is. this will help with your congestion.
ginger, turmeric, honey, orange and lemon tea. i have a recipe for this on the blog already, it works amazing. drink it as hot as you can. turmeric has curcumin which is an antioxidant that helps with radicals that damage the immune system.
minced garlic with honey on spoon by mouth – allicin is the main ingredient in garlic that has anti-microbial properties.
“magic sock” – cold cotton sock with a dry wool sock over it at night
Epsom bath salts
Vicks on your chest
r.c. oil and thieves oil, diffuse them and rub all over.
steam the bathroom up with a hot bath or shower and sit for a bit
Boiron Oscillococcinum – just a few pallets in water to sip throughout the day. linking the website with Frequently Asked Questions if you are maybe curious
homemade chicken noodle soup – chicken noodle soup will help with hydration and the steam from the soup will help open nasal passages and the salty broth can sooth a sore throat.
eat your way to good health, always. a healthy diet with lots of vitamins c and e. some foods include: spinach, kale, black beans, sweet potatoes, salmon, whole grains and blueberries.
move your body regularly of course
decrease caffeine and alcohol
winter is a challenging time to stay healthy, great tips!!