the best compliment ever is when people ask how we stay so in love. i’ve been reflecting and thinking a lot about this question and the answer is little romantic gestures, which for me is about taking everyday moments in our relationship and making them special. we do little things in our daily life to make life sweeter and show each other with our actions and intentions. we are both super thoughtful and know the way to each other’s hearts is with the little things. if a man is smart, he will know that like an oven, a woman doesn’t turn on in an instant. it’s an all day thing.
write sweet notes for one another – this is a favorite of mine. leave them around the house with post it notes or fold one. i like to put it in matt’s wallet, pants or coat pocket and text him during the day to check. it’s about getting love even when the person is not there. it’s unexpected and always brings a smile to the person’s face.
buy something small or something practical – this could be their favorite fruit. my fiancé came home with 2 peaches for us yesterday and it was the sweetest thing. this lets them know that you’re always thinking of them and want them to have what they want/ need.
surprise them with their favorite dinner– this could be a home cooked meal, take out, or going out to eat. if this is at home, set up the table with napkins, candles, flowers, some romantic music and moonlight lighting.
show interest in what they like – love is about learning about each other and seeing what makes them light up. this could be watching a sports game with them, let them picking the movie or show, or even buying them supplies for that sport they like (a golf shirt, ski pants, whatever it is) . i’m not really interested in golf but i went with matt and drove around the golf cart and had the best time. sometimes, you might surprise yourself and end up liking it too.
ask them what you can take off their plate – this is especially helpful if you notice that they’re stressed or have had a long day. if they normally take out their trash or unload the dishwasher, you can take that on for them.
dress up for each other – i realize that this one way to honor each other. it’s about doing something beyond the everyday. dressing up for each other is more about romance than love. romance is essential to a beautiful relationship. i understand that biologically men are physical and overall do focus on physical things. this is the little extra cherry on top.
text them randomly during the day to let them know how much you appreciate them and how much they mean to you.
let them know regularly how proud you are of them and remind them of their accomplishments. both in the home and outside of the home.
i don’t believe we can ever say ‘i love you’ too much. my fiancé tells me he loves me about a thousand times a day and it warms my heart and it makes me say it even more.
go out of your way to make the other person’s life easier – i love waking up early, so i get matt’s water bottle and blueberries or grapes in a ziplock bag with a napkin ready to go. matt ordered 3 chargers for my phone and put one next to my bed, one next to the couch and one underneath my desk. these are just some small examples. i promise this becomes a beautiful love tennis match.
check in – this could be when you get to work, if you’re running late from work in the evening. this is such a comforting feeling.
ask different questions – if you ask ‘how was your day’, you’ll likely get a basic answer like good. but if you ask what was the best part of your day or even what was the worst part of your day, you’ll get a much more intriguing answer.
compliments – you look so good in that shirt, your haircut looks good, i love your smile. and yes, it can be the same compliments. swoon over them.
flirt – this keeps the fire going. flirting shows a passionate relationship. i know flirting may not come so naturally and i’m kind of awkward when i do it haha but i still do it. it’s an easy way to put a smile on your partner’s face. flirting can be playing a love song in the car or at home, smacking the other person’s butt, it can be sending a selfie, being a little touchy or saying i miss you when they’re away. flirting keeps the relationship playful and fun and the surprise level high. it makes your partner feel confident, special, attractive and adds positive energy to the relationship. this is just one little tool in our relationship toolbox that has been beneficial.
hold hands – there’s a sense of security when you hold someone’s hand. similar to when we hold children’s hands, they feel safe and reassured. holding hands builds intimacy because it’s endearing and protective feeling you get. it’s a love language that shows in a small way that you love and value your partner. you feel a greater sense of connection which creates a strong intimate relationship. we love to hold hands when were walking, watching a movie or just spending time together.
p.s. romantic gestures are about knowing that some days the spark comes on it’s own but some days you have to put in the effort. it’s like if you want to have a fit and healthy body, you can’t sit on the couch and eat ice cream all day. maybe it’s easy and fun for that moment but to have a fit and healthy body you have to eat nourishing foods and move your body. it’s similar to a fit and healthy relationship.