on a personal level, i have a lot of appreciation for social media because it’s given me a lot of inspiration for my life. i do realize that by posting a curated highlight reel, it may seem that i’m actively participating with keeping up with the joneses. on one hand, i don’t think the curated posts are bad because the point is to provide inspiration and information. i always want to put my best foot forward. on the other hand, it seems like social media consumption and materialism is at an all time high. i do like to believe that we are all well meaning and just proud to show an external accomplishment like a luxury shoe, trip, apartment or car. we all love nice things. this post isn’t to bring social media down but for us to be aware of how we are spending our time and money. social media is such an easy way to pass the time but how productive is it for us? it doesn’t feel right to spend the majority of our time on our phones. it also doesn’t feel right to spend our money frivolously.
– do you feel inside that you’re doing the right thing for your lifestyle? it’s nice to get approval, love and praise from people but at the end of the day approval has to start from within. it’s our responsibility to make sure our inner environment is healthy. i know the more i attach myself to the praise of other people, the more i depend on their opinion.
– be mindful that most influencers have their own companies and receive brand deals. i feel like there is a lot of pressure to keep up with the latest but i try not to succumb to the pressure of buying every new thing.
– it’s important to be humble even if you are working your way towards success. there is two sides to it because we work very hard and no one really sees that part. i don’t think we should apologize the better our lives become but there is a humility to it. it’s so important to me to be a humble person not just for other people in my life but for myself. it gives me a lot of peace when i come from a place of respect and compassion for other people. it’s all circular and it comes back to us.
– “the highest form of wealth is controlling your time.” for me this means having the freedom to do things outside of work. i value how my time is spent and time is always part of my goal post. i like being able to enjoy life and not just grinding and hustling. i don’t want to make it to the end of my life and ask what happened to my health, my relationships and my body.
– luxury things are fun but let’s wait until we are at a point in life where we feel comfortable, secure and have money on the side. something that i learned a few years ago that stuck with me is that there is nothing wrong with a buying a good handbag like a classic Chanel but it does take some patience to get there.