food health life wellness

how to organize yourself to be healthy

sharing my personal questions that i’ve used to set myself up for success with healthy habits. i love taking care of myself and i love when everything flows. but as life goes, things don’t always flow. it’s hard to balance everything especially if you work a 9-5 in a office job or have a family- time can be limited. i would recommend writing down your answers and know that there is an answer/solution to every question/problem.

1. what are the most important things that help you feel great, energized and bring you value to feel taken care of? how can you make it so you can do those things? what can you do daily? 

2. what are your time constraints? do you commute to work? how long is your commute? 

3. are you a morning person or a night owl? use this to your advantage to get things done

4. how can you restructure your day? where can you fit in two things at once? can you outsource help? 

5. when can you go for your walks/workouts? if you’re too tired after work, can you go for a 20 minute walk during lunch? 

6. when can you do your wellness/beauty routines? a mom friend shared that she loves getting her nails done, so she takes a couple of hours off during the work week to get this done. another thing is to go through a car wash so to speak. get all of your beauty things done in one day. 

7. when is a good time to meal prep/grocery shop? can you cook dinner early? can you meal prep during the weekend? can you make a bigger portion for dinner to have leftovers for lunch?

8. ask your friends what they do. i love to know how other people get things done. this is a great way to find out how you can maximize your time.