home life wellness

how to embrace and enjoy winter

the season’s aren’t just about weather changes. they influence the way we live and what we focus on. winter is an invite to a slow down. it feels like a season to settle in, enjoy small things like lighting a candle, drinking hot drinks and curling up and reading a good book while tucking your cold feet under a blanket. i’ve learned to shift my perspective and appreciate the good things exclusive to the winter season. 

goal-setting. it may also help to set yourself a challenging goal that you want to have achieved by spring. find something intrinsically motivating that you enjoy working on. a fitness goal, a certain number of books you want to read, a new skill you want to acquire. this can help you build momentum and find new drive and motivation.

still go for walks even though it’s cold out. the key is dressing up warm (hat, gloves, scarf, thermal layers). i especially love walking when it is snowing or when the sun is shining. the crunch of feet in the snow is so satisfying. the world both looks and sounds softer in winter because of the snow. it’s so beautiful and it always lifts my mood. very rarely do i regret taking a walk in winter. the only exception is when it’s very windy. cold + wind = blanket cuddle up time.

make plans. the plans can be a simple as meeting a friend for hot cocoa or coffee. ask someone to meet up to go for a walk. have everyone make and take their own thermal mugs or grab it as on the go along the way.

make more plans. make plans with others fairly often. invite friends or family over for dinner, game nights or movie nights. check in with your neighbors. bring them extras if you’ve baked something delicious.

a good diet helps with physical and mental health, so try to eat a balanced/healthy diet. that said, it’s okay to have some comfort food every now and then. but know that it’s very easy to fall into lazy/bad habits when it comes to food in winter.