
how to eat healthier

"what you eat literally becomes you. you have a choice in what you're made of."

the food we eat contributes to making us look and feel energized. my main motivation is feeling good. the healthier you eat, the more you will feel healthy foods’ amazing benefits on your body and the more it will become automatic and habitual.  healthy eating doesn’t mean you need to be 100% perfect and eat clean all the time. 

some ways to maintain eating healthy on a daily basis: 

get your stress out. i would say stress is right up there with nutrition. we tend to reach for unhealthy foods for emotional comfort when we’re stressed. it’s not possible to live without stress but we can learn to manage it and not let stress damage our bodies. 

eat slowly. it’s beneficial to not eat too fast and to properly chew your food. it takes about 20 minutes for our stomachs to signal to our brain that we are full. i have personally experienced eating too fast or too much when i have something super delicious in front of me like dessert or pasta. 

eat mostly at home. restaurants want you to come back, so they make the food extra tasty with salts, oils, and additives. whereas eating at home, you can control these ingredients. going out to eat is such a fun social activity and a way to connect with friends so you can say, during the week, i’ll eat at home and during the weekends i’ll go out. 

leave the chips and cookies at the grocery store. i don’t want to have this temptation around me. i know if i buy these things for the home, i’m going to eat them. this tip will help with making good food decisions. make it hard for yourself to have easy access to naughty foods and your brain will soon forget about it because it’s too much work.

how to eat healthier part 2 coming in the next blog post.