"there is always something to be thankful for"
my five minute journal is a big part of me. i’ve been using this journal since 2016! within these pages, i practice the gift of gratitude. the journal is divided into two sections: morning and night and both sections have a set of prompts that prime your energy and brain.
the “i am grateful for” prompt is where you reflect on three things you’re thankful for. the “what would make today great” prompt is where you write what you would want to accomplish and make happen for the day. the “daily affirmations, i am” prompt is mainly positive self talk where you can build yourself up with kind and loving words. they are positive mind repetitions that can reprogram your thinking over time. similar to how we do reps in exercises to improve our health, affirmations are exercises to improve our mind.
i’m going to do a deeper dive into the five minute journal in a future blog post.
i can attest to how important this journal is to you!! ❤️