walking is such an underrated and overlooked natural exercise. we don’t really think about walking because it’s so easy to do. walking is sustainable long term and inexpensive, all you need is a good pair of dad shoes ;’) along with physical health benefits, keeping active throughout your day is a great way to improve your mind. our bodies and brains need movement. the easiest way to start is to pick a road/place that you can walk regularly. a place that is accessible. try to leave your phone at home and not listen to anything. sharing some reasons why we should be walking way more:
connection to nature and people – if you’re walking outdoors, you’re increasing your chance of having face to face interactions with people. it’s a great way to build new relationships and see cute dogs. walking is also our connection to the nature which is incredibly therapeutic- especially in the mornings. it’s transformative on so many personal levels.
aim to walk 10,000 steps/day for more energy – tracking your daily steps helps you realize and support how good you feel. it increases energy and it’s a fun way to challenge yourself to get you up and moving even when the weather is grey. if you’re not carrying around your phone, a good way to track would be the apple watch. this will give you good data.
try not to outsource your physical activity – wherever you can, try to walk. there will be escalators or elevators but if you can and you’re not carrying anything heavy, go for the stairs. try to park further away as well. this conscious decision makes us less lazy ;’) you think back to your steps and you’re like ‘i gotta get my steps in.’
decisive and creative thinking – if you have a problem you’re trying to solve, go for a walk . you’ll have better cognition and ideas. walking is good exercise for the brain. the left brain is responsible for logical thinking and the right brain is responsible for creativity and intuition. when you’re walking both sides are communicating and coordinating your movements.
breathing – when we’re walking, our hearts are pumping faster and more oxygen and blood is circulating. walking keeps your lungs nice and healthy.
walking is one of the most beneficial forms of exercise for the mind, body, and soul. when you add pretty scenery to it, it just gets better 🙂