we have all had to show up to events or commitments that we don’t necessarily want to go to. i remember when i was younger and a bit immature, i was adamant about not being fake. i would roll my eyes and say whatever was on my mind. now, i have a different kind of view on the word fake. as an adult sometimes fake means being courteous. i’m sharing how to be relaxed when you are completely thrown out of your comfort zone.
be wise – the wiser you become the fewer problems you create for yourself. it could be that someone says the wrong thing to you and lose your cool and say the wrong thing back and make it worse.
find out who’s going to be there – stick with the person you like the most.
people love to talk about themselves – just ask questions. this easily takes the spotlight off you.
don’t show up empty handed – people also love gifts.
speak up – difficulties can be handled with calmness and you’re so much better for it.
debates – don’t waste your breath. let other people talk about the debates, sit there quietly and listen.
respect – be respectful of other people’s beliefs even if they are not the same as yours. there are so many reasons why people believe what they believe.
go to the bathroom 1 million times – the bathroom is a great place to go take a breather.
prepare – if you have an idea that you’re going to be asked personal/private questions, have your answers ready.
do you have to show up? there is a hierarchy of people you have to show up for. immediate family, extended family, close friends and family.
express your true feelings in private – play it cool then the second you’re in private express yourself.
delivery is important – “you get more bees with honey.”
love these tips!!! the bathroom one 👌🏻🤣