the kitchen sponge has a lot of jobs. it soaks up spills, scrub stoves and wipe down countertops. this means that kitchen sponges even if you wash your sponge with dish soap, it still has a lot of bacteria. i’m sharing 4 ways to care for your sponges.
top rack dishwasher – toss it on the top rack of your dishwasher when you’re doing a load.
boiling water – bring about 2-3 cups of water to a boil and place the sponge in for about ~ 5 minutes.
vinegar and water – a more natural way is vinegar and warm water. wear gloves to protect your hands. let it soak for ~ 5 minutes then rinse with warm water and let it dry.
microwave – place damp sponge in a microwave safe container for ~1 minute.